
The series of four paintings show indigenous women in an assembly in Sucre. The women are part of one of the most important and the largest women's movement in Bolivia. „Confederación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas Indígenas Originarias de Bolivia“, also called the "Bartolina Sisa".
As an independent organization, they are struggling with key demands such as political participation, land rights, education, combating domestic violence, and empowering indigenous women.

I accompanied them in 2018 and 2019 to document and promote their important work, such as teaching, discussing and understanding basic woman rights.

The ethnic appearance of wearing their black hair, is to weave strong braids who fall down to the earth (pachamama). Their pleated bright colored skirts come in a wide variety of patterns and are made out of heavy fabrics. – It is more than an impressive encounter.

– This portrait series was painted in 2020 from sketches and memories.

Thank you to the organizations Swiss INTERTEAM and the Women's Center Centro Juana Azurduy.org
in Sucre, Bolivia who initiated this reunion.
first painting in a series of four.
acrylic, pastel, charcoal on fabric-paper.

Privat Collection Jasmin Fankhauser
second painting in a series of four.
acrylic, pastel, charcoal on texture-paper.
third painting in a series of four.
acrylic, pastel, charcoal on texture-paper.
fourth painting in a series of four.
acrylic, pastel, charcoal on texture-paper.

Privat Collection Sandra Orlovic